it has been awhile, hasn't it?
and it feels abit different to be blogging, after so v v v long.
anyway, school has (almost) officially ended for me. all that is left is graduation. then it will be officially over. you know, i still cant let go of school.
i admit, i still miss school.
i miss tp.
i miss design.
i miss iad.
i miss studio.
i miss camp.
i miss loggers.
yeah, well just safe to say i miss school.
you have no idea. its like a breakup. my heart is breaking and i genuinely cant let go of school, not just yet.
but just let me be. sooner or later, i would have to let go of it. sooner or later, i would have to move on no matter what.
life goes on.
so, whats next?
beats me. hah.
Labels: im back